REGION: Tolima


VARIETY: Caturra, Colombia, Typica, Castillo, Tabi

ALTITUDE: 1500 - 2100 MASL

Situated in the southeastern region of Tolima, Planadas enjoys the advantage of fertile soils enriched by the Nevado del Tolima and Nevado del Huila volcanoes.

Asociación de Productores Ecologicós de Planadas (ASOPEP) was established in 2012 by a group of 72 coffee growers during a national coffee price crisis and has made a name for itself through its strong market presence and remarkable social impact.

Since its inception, ASOPEP has diligently supported the education and well-being of the families belonging to its membership, ensuring exceptional and high-quality coffee showcasing a range of flavours from citrus notes with a sweet acidity, to smooth nutty notes.

Regional flavour characteristics

Almond, Orange

Currently on

Hand brew (V60)